Doreen, a Montana Medium Bridging the Gap Between the Living and the Dead

What does Doreen do?

We are born, we live, and someday we die. That is part of the natural cycle of life and the human experience. The middle section – the part between birth and death – is full of opportunities to explore our understanding of the world around us. Doreen believes our individual purpose is to be a light, so that we may help others find their light. She is here to help you find your light so you can experience life healthy and whole.

Doreen, A Montana Medium, is a psychic mediumship practice. She specializes in bridging the gap between the living and the dead. She is passionate about helping people heal on all levels, and believes that healing is accessible for everyone whether or not they are still in a body! She holds a special place for helping those who have been affected by suicide. She has extensive training in multiple kinds of root magick from around the world and also draws from her ancestral knowledge of Native American spirit practices. As a recent retiree from a 20 year career in heathcare, she has lots of practices centered around alleviating physical pain* and identifying the dimensional source of physical illness*.

Every human is built with the ability to experience and understand spiritual energy. Some people are born with a natural talent for using these skills while others have to spend time to develop and exercise their skill. Doreen uses her skills to help others connect to this spiritual existence. Sometimes that means helping to communicate with a passed on loved one. It may mean help navigating an illness*, making tough decisions about love or family; it can even include teaching you how to communicate with your guides and advanced teachers on the other sides.

*Doreen is not a doctor, lawyer, or mental health professional. You must consult with your primary care provider before making any changes to your existing healthcare routine. This includes consulting with your doctor about dietary changes, exercise changes, adding or removing supplements to your diet or any other health related topics that may be covered in your session. Doreen is also not a psychologist or psychiatrist and cannot advise on treatment plans, or medication concerns. All clients highly encouraged to consult with the appropriate licensed or certified professional prior to making any changes to their current lifestyle. All readings are for entertainment purposes only.